Social Support Groups

Social support groups give people a chance to have some fun and meet new friends or provide a break for carers.

Don’t call us – we’ll call you!

Submit your details, and we’ll give you a call when it’s convenient for you. Of course, you can always call us on 1800 242 696.

Enquire about Social Support now

What are social support groups?

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Social support groups give people a chance to have some fun and meet new friends or provide a break for carers.

Activities can involve community outings, gardening, interactive information and technology, games, entertainment, guest speakers, music, physical activities, theme days, reminiscing and craft.

Why join a social support group?


Social support provides an opportunity to:

  • Maintain your ability to live at home and in the community
  • Enhance and maintain skills for daily living
  • Promote physical, intellectual, emotional and social wellbeing.

A small fee is charged for each session. Transport to and from the program, lunch and morning tea are also provided.

Please click here to download a copy of the Social Support brochure.


Our social support groups cover the areas of Moe, Morwell, Churchill and surrounding areas for people who are:

  • Aged 65 and older (or older than 50 and identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander), or
  • Aged 18 and older with a disability who are not participants in the NDIS.

To find out more or to join, you can contact:

  • My Aged Care to join with a government subsidy if you are older than 65 (or older than 50 and identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander). Phone 1800 200 422 and register for the Social Support Program.
  • Latrobe Community Health Service if you are younger than 65 (or younger than 50 and identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander). Phone us on 1800 242 696 and ask to speak with Service Access to register.


Latrobe Community Health Service is committed to ensuring access to services for everyone in the community.

Call 1800 242 696 to discuss your individual situation.