If you would like a copy of your health record:
Please complete the Request to Access Health Information form, and along with:
- a copy of proof of identity (ID), or
- proof of your authority to act on another person’s behalf (if requesting for someone else)
email the form and required documents to privacy@lchs.com.au
If you would like your GP or Dental record transferred to LCHS from your previous clinic:
Please complete the Request to Transfer Records form, and along with:
- a copy of proof of identity (ID), or
- proof of your authority to act on another person’s behalf (if requesting for someone else)
email the form and required documents to records@lchs.com.au.
Alternatively, you can post a written request or completed form to us at:
Records Management Officer
Latrobe Community Health Service
PO Box 960
For further information, please contact the Records Management Officer at our Morwell Office on 1800 242 696.
If you wish to have your LCHS record transferred to another GP or dental clinic, please discuss this with your new clinic as they will have their own requirements.
If you are acting on behalf of a client and would like a copy of their health record:
Please forward your request to privacy@lchs.com.au.
Requests to correct health records
If you believe there is an error in your health record and would like to request it be corrected, please:
Email privacy@lchs.com.au with your request along with:
- A description of the information you wish to correct
- The correct information
- Proof the existing information is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or out-of-date.
and attach:
- a copy of proof of identity (ID), or
- proof of your authority to act on another person’s behalf (if requesting for someone else)
We shall process your request within 30 days of receiving the request and the required information and documentation.
CISS and FVISS information requests
If you are an information sharing entity and would like to request access to health records under the Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS) or the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS):
Email privacy@lchs.com.au with your request along with:
- The name of your organisation
- Your name and job title
- Client name and date of birth
- Client address (unless supply of this information jeopardises client safety)
- Reason for request
- Legislative authority (CISS or FVISS)
- Scope of information requested