Seeking help for alcohol or drug use

Seeking help for drug or alcohol use can seem confronting. There are a lot of different services and options to understand, but Latrobe Community Health Service can help.
In Gippsland, if you are over 24, Australian Community Support Organisation (ACSO) runs the intake service.
If you live in Gippsland and need help with drug or alcohol addiction, first call ACSO on 1300 022 760.
ACSO will then refer you to the right services for more thorough treatment. Latrobe Community Health Service provides many of those services in Gippsland.
If you are aged between 12 and 24, call headspace Morwell directly on 03 5136 8300.
Counselling, care and recovery
Alcohol and drug abuse can hurt not just the person with the problem, but their family members and loved ones too.
The road to recovery is one you don’t have to walk alone. Our team can provide ongoing counselling and care to minimise harm and prevent relapses.
Support is provided with individual plans directly tailored to you. If the support you need is more complex or you are transferring from a bed-based program, we have a care and recovery program.
The program supports you and your family with care pathways and goal setting. The services offered include:
- face-to-face, online and telephone counselling
- day and group counselling programs
- Supported recovery program
- Acquired Brain Injury
- a nine-week support group for people who have completed a withdrawal program and want to maintain a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle.
Withdrawal services

Sometimes, people realise they’ve reached a point where they want to stop their substance abuse, but may need additional help. We can offer a withdrawal service through our team of nurses and support workers.
We can also help with:
- home-based withdrawals
- organising a hospital withdrawal program
- preventing a relapse
- providing ongoing support
- linking you to other services, including financial support.
Day rehabilitation program
Getting your life back on track after completing an alcohol and other drugs withdrawal program can feel isolating. For people who want continued and guided support for their substance misuse recovery, we offer a rehabilitation day program.
The program is based in Moe and is a free six-week course, four days a week. The program allows you to remain at home to improve your overall health and wellbeing while surrounded by your support networks.
During the course, you will learn about:
- managing your thoughts, behaviours and health
- understanding cravings and triggers
- effects of substances and understanding addiction
- repair or maintain good family relationships
- prepare you for planning for the future.
Some additional eligibility criteria may apply to attend this program. For a referral to this program, please call ACSO on 1300 022 760.
Health services for homeless young people

This service is for young people aged between 15 and 25 years who are, or are at risk of becoming homeless. Our community health nurse can meet you anywhere in the Latrobe Valley to help find out what you need.
They can connect you and any children under your care to a doctor, housing services, Centrelink, education facilities and a range of other health services to ensure you stay safe and healthy.
Youth awareness
Our team can visit schools and other community organisations to talk about alcohol and other drug issues. We also have special outreach programs for young people up to the age of 24 who have been using alcohol or drugs dangerously and would like to break the cycle.
Needle and syringe program
Latrobe Community Health Service participates in a statewide public health initiative to minimise the spread of blood borne viruses including HIV/AIDS and hepatitis B and C among injecting drug users. We provide sterile needles and syringe supplies to the community and promote the safe removal of discarded syringes.
The needle and syringe program is run at a number of our sites in:
Find out the cost and eligibility criteria.
If you live in Gippsland and have an alcohol or drug issue, you can use our services.
Some programs may only be offered if you live in the local government areas of Baw Baw, Latrobe and Wellington.
In Gippsland, if you are over 24, Australian Community Support Organisation (ACSO) runs the intake service.
If you live in Gippsland and need help with drug or alcohol addiction, first call ACSO on 1300 022 760.
ACSO will then refer you to the right services for more thorough treatment. Latrobe Community Health Service provides many of those services in Gippsland.
If you are aged between 12 and 24, call headspace Morwell directly on 03 5136 8300.
Many of our services are free. If you’re not sure, just ask our staff when you phone 1800 242 696 to find out more or to make an appointment.