Client outcomes

Latrobe Community Health Service – like most health services – compiles a lot of information to measure our work. Things like how many appointments we offer, and what type of treatments we provide.

This information helps us plan for the future. It tells us which services are in demand, and where we might improve. But one thing is missing; it doesn’t tell us whether you feel like we actually improved your health.

That’s why we’re adding a new measure: client health outcomes.

We’ll be following up after your appointments to ask some simple questions: did we help to improve your health? Do you feel better than you did?

Whether it’s aged care, counselling, dental, or one of our many other services, we want to build a picture of what’s working – and what’s not – so we can focus on effective care that builds better health, better lifestyles and stronger communities.

The charts below provide an overview of client health outcomes across five different areas in 2022:

  1. Improvement in physical health
  2. Improvement in social connection or participation
  3. Improvement in functioning
  4. Achievement of client or participant goals
  5. Improvement in mental health

Each of these is explained in more detail below.

If you have questions or feedback about our client outcomes data, please email, or call 1800 242 696 and ask to speak with our Insights and Evaluation Specialist. 


  • Improved = clients’ condition improved over time
  • Maintained = clients’ condition remained the same over time
  • Declined = clients’ condition declined over time

Improvement in physical health

Improvement in physical health means clients’ general health got better and they experienced less sickness.

Data collection in progress.

Improvement in mental health

Improvement in mental health means clients’ emotional or psychological wellbeing improved.

Improvement in social connection or participation

Improvement in social connection or participation means clients experienced less isolation and have better networks through friends and others.

Improvement in functioning

Improvement in functioning means clients’ ability to perform activities or tasks improved.

Achievement of client or participant goals

Achievement of client or participant goals means goals set by clients and their clinician were met.