Our Organisational Structure

The Executive team at Latrobe Community Health Service consists of a Chief Executive Officer and five Executive Directors

This structure is designed to provide efficiencies in all areas, including the support and management of staff. This structure incorporates a holistic and multi-disciplinary approach by organising Latrobe Community Health Service activities into groupings that reflect our organisational priorities.

The five directorates are Aged Care, Community Care, Primary Health, Corporate and NDIS Services.

Please click here to view the latest organisational structure.

Paul Ostrowski

Paul- resized 2024

Chief Executive Officer

Paul commenced as Chief Executive Officer in 2023, and has 25 years of experience in the health and community services sector. Prior to joining Latrobe Community Health Service, Paul was Chief Executive Officer of CareConnect. Paul has a Bachelor of Engineering, a Masters of Management, and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD)

Andrina Romano

Our Organisational Structure

Executive Director – Primary Health

Andrina is responsible for clinical services including GP services, dental services, allied health, district nursing, palliative care, paediatric services, specialist nursing (wound management, stoma therapy, continence and dementia), chronic disease management, emergency relief and the Latrobe Primary Priority Care Centre.

Steve Avery

Our Organisational Structure

Executive Director – Corporate and Chief Financial Officer

Steve is responsible for finance and procurement, information and communication technology, governance, client services, facilities and fleet, marketing and communications, client reporting/records and human resources. Steve is also the Chief Financial Officer of the company.


Steve has 25 years of experience in the health services sector. Prior to joining Latrobe Community Health Service, Steve has held a number of senior management roles in public, not-for-profit and for-profit health care organisations.


Steve has a Bachelor of Business, an Executive Masters of Business Administration, and is an active registered Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA).

Vince Massaro

Our Organisational Structure

Executive Director – NDIS Services

Vince is responsible for NDIS Services, incorporating Local Area Coordination (LAC) and Early Childhood Approach (EC) services.

LAC services assist eligible participants to engage with the NDIS and support participants to create and implement their plans, along with providing capacity building activities and information, linkages and support for people not eligible for the NDIS.

Early Childhood Approach services undertake a holistic assessment of children with developmental delay or disability and their families. In delivering EC we assist families to determine the right supports to help meet their individual goals.

Michelle Francis

Our Organisational Structure

Executive Director – Community Care

Michelle is responsible for overseeing alcohol and other drug treatment services, counselling, including family violence and gambling services, headspace Morwell and youth services, centre and community based aged and mental health support and community development services.

Michelle oversees Latrobe Community Health Service’s lead role in several consortia and partnerships, which include pharmacotherapy, multicultural affairs and citizenship, elder abuse prevention and catchment-based planning.

She is the executive sponsor of Latrobe Community Health Service’s reconciliation action plan, LGBTI working group, diversity and enablement plans and the healthy workplace committee.

Matt Vella

Our Organisational Structure

Executive Director – Aged Care

Matt is responsible for the Aged Care directorate, Home Care Services, Commonwealth Home Support and Carers Program and Your Care Choice which oversees centre and community-based aged care support and community development services.

Matt has a leading role in several consortia and partnerships, which includes elder abuse prevention and catchment-based planning.

Michelle Webster

Our Organisational Structure
Executive Director – People, Learning and Culture

Michelle is responsible for recruitment and on boarding, industrial and employee relations, volunteering, and development of positive organisational culture.

With a strong background in strategy, Michelle is dedicated to enhancing the learning and development programs within Latrobe Community Health Service, aligning the workforce with the strategic goals of the organisation, ensuring the continuous growth and engagement of all employees.

Michelle has a Master of Business Administration, a Bachelor of Applied Science (Physical Education) and a Graduate Certificate in Health Promotion.